Nature LSA publication
Check out our new publication in Light: Sciences and Applications!
Check out our new publication in Light: Sciences and Applications!
Check out our new publication in Nature Communications
Congratulations to Conrad Merkle on his new paper in Neuroimage on laminar blood flow in the mouse neocortex.
Our recent review paper was featured on the cover of Applied Sciences
Our recent paper on iNIRS was published in Optica.
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) has awarded Dr. Srinivasan a 5-year R01 to to develop, validate, and apply new optical microscope technology for the study of subcortical pathology, non-invasively, in the living mouse brain. The funding runs from 1st September 2015 to 31st August 2020.
The UC Davis Alzheimer’s Disease Center in conjunction with the National Institute of Aging has awarded Dr. Srinivasan funding under the Pilot Project Program. This pilot grant will begin July 1st 2015 and end on June 30th 2016.
We have an opening for a postdoctoral researcher with a background, expertise, and interests in one or more of the following areas: biomedical optics and light-tissue interaction, medical signal and image processing, fiber optics / photonics technologies, and microscopy. See the full job listing here:
An invited commentary on the advantages and potential of OCT in brain imaging research was published today on the Scientific American MIND Blog. The article can be found here.
Our paper on laminar cortical microvascular hemodynamic measurements in the rat somatosensory cortex using OCT methods was published in Neuroimage. This work was also featured on the OCT News website ‘Feature of The Week‘ on September 14th 2014.